Academic Details
Dr Andre Oboler has been a Tutor, Demonstrator and Research Assistant at Monash University, a General Teaching Assistant at Lancaster University and a Post Doctoral Fellow at Bar-Ilan University. His research has been published in academic journals, conferences, think tanks, and in the media.
This page gives a brief introduction to his academic activities including: Selected Publications, Teaching, Professional Academic Activity, and Academic Work History
A full list can be seen in publications. A selection includes:
Peer reviewed publications (selection)
- Andre Oboler, Online Antisemitism 2.0. "Social Antisemitism on the Social Web, Post-Holocaust and Antisemitism Series, JCPA, (April 2008, No. 67)
- Andre Oboler, Ian Sommerville, Simon Lock, Reflection: Improving research through knowledge transfer, in proceedings of the first International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2006), Tahiti, French Polynesia, 29 October - 1 November 2006
- Andre Oboler, David McG. Squire and Kevin B. Korb,
Why don't we practice what we teach? Engineering Software for
Computer Science Research in Academia,
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software
Engineering Research and Applications (ICSERA'03),
San Francisco, USA, pp. 25-30, 25-27 June 2003.
You can also download the presentation slides
Reports and Media publications (selection)
- Andre Oboler & Honest Reporting Staff, Exposed - Anti-Israeli Subversion on Wikipedia, COMMUNIQUE: 14 May 2008
- Andre Oboler, Google Earth: A New Platform for Anti-Israel Propaganda and Replacement Geography, Jerusalem Issue Briefs, Vol. 8, No. 5, JCPA, 26 June 2008
- Andre Oboler, Facing up to the 'Facebook' dilemma, Jerusalem Post, Feb 5 2008
- Andre Oboler, Let's not give away all our secrets on the Web, Jerusalem Post, April 24th 2008
Profeshional Academic Activity
- Chair of the Improving Research Productivity Workshop, at ICSEA 2007
- Co-editor of conference proceedings: Dascalus, S., Dini, P., Morasca S., Ohta T. and Oboler A., proceedings of the second International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2007), Cap Esterel, France, 25-31 Aug. 2007, IEEE Press, 2007
- Completed Stage One Certificate in Learning and Teaching (Lancaster University)
Lancaster University- CSc112 Programming in Java (term 2), General Teaching Assistant 2006-2007
- CSc246 Scientific Methods, General Teaching Assistant 2006-2007
- CSc111 Programming in Java, General Teaching Assistant 2006-2007
- CSc243 Databases Systems, General Teaching Assistant 2006-2007
- CSC152 Web Technologies - Scripting, Lecturer (with Nelly Bencomo) in 2003-2004 and created this new unit
- CSC153 Web Technologies - Project, Lecturer 2003-2004 project
- CSC153 Web Technologies - Project, Lecturer 2004-2005 FlagShip accommodation fault logging system project
- CSC161 - Software Engineering, Lab demonstrator 2003-2004
- CSc242 / CSc321 Requirements Engineering, General Teaching Assistant 2004-2005
- CSC233 Fundamentals of Computer Science, (Lab demonstrator 2004-2005)
- CSc233 Languages, Grammars and Machines, General Teaching Assistant 2005-2006
- CSc331 The Compilation Process, General Teaching Assistant 2005-2006
Demonstrator or Tutor for:
- CSE1301 - Computer programming (Semester 1 - 2001) (C)
- CSE1401 - Introduction to software engineering (Semester 1 - 2003) (Java)
- CSE1402 - Technical documentation for software engineers (Semester 2 - 2001) (Latex)
- CSE2305 - Object oriented software engineering (Semester 2 - 2001) (C++)
- CSE3308 - Software engineering: Analysis and design (Semester 1 - 2002 and 2003) (UML)
- FIT1002 - Computer programming (Semester 1 - 2009) (Java)
- FIT1008 - Computer Science (Semester 1 - 2009)(Java)
- FIT3077 - Software engineering: Architecture (Semester 1 - 2009)
Academic Positions
- 2009-2010 Demonstrator and Tutor, Clayton School of Information Technology, Monash University, Australia
- 2007-2008 Post Doctoral Fellow, Political Science Department, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
- 2006-2007 PhD Candidate (write up) & General Teaching Assistant (contract), Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
- 2003-2006 PhD Candidate & General Teaching Assistant, Computing Department, Lancaster University, UK
- 2003 Research Assistant, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, Australia
- 2002-2003 Summer Vacation Scholar, SARBayes Search and Rescue Project, CSSE, Monash University, Australia
- 2002 Computer Science Honours (1st Class), School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, Australia
- 2002, 2003 Demonstrator and Tutor, CSSE, Monash University, Australia
- 2001-2002 Summer Vacation Scholar, The CaMML project, CSSE, Monash University, Australia
- 1999-2001 Bachelor of Computer Science, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, Australia