Community Involvement
Andre has been involved in a number of representative and lay leadership roles with various organisations. His primary interests in this area are leadership, diversity, the Jewish community and education.
There is also a list of publications and a list of presentations some of which relate to activities listed on this page.
Jump to community: IT industry, Higher Education, University & Students, Jewish, Diversity & Equality, School, Scouts
IT Industry
Vice Chair, Computer Society Chapter of the IEEE Victorian section, 2009-presentCommittee member, IEEE Victorian section, 2009-present
UK Higher Education Community
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (Student Observer on the QAA Board of Directors) (2004-2006)Higher Education Academy, Research and Teaching Forum (04-05 NPC Representative, 05-06 ordinary member)
National Postgraduate Committee (Project Officer 2004-2005, 2007-2008 & Minutes Secretary 2005-2006)
* Management Sub-committee
* Constitutional Sub-committee
LTSN working group on Part Time Teachers (NPC Representative)
NUS Mature Students Conference 2005 (Lancaster Delegate & invited speaker)
Mature Students Union Conference (2005) (NPC Observer & Lancaster Delegate)
UK Council of Graduate Education (UKCGE) Winter Conference 2005 (NPC Representative)
Lancaster University Proxy for NPC OGMs (03-05)
Lancaster University Delegate for NUS (04 Extraordinary Conference)
University & Student Community
Honorary Life Membership of Societies Union, Lancaster University, December 2007-presentUniversity Court (AGM 04, EGM 05)
University Senate (03-04)
Graduate School Committee (04)
Graduate Student Association Vice-President (03-04)
Graduate Student Association Education and Welfare Sub-Committee (Convenor) (03-04)
LUSU Academic Council (03-04)
Societies Council (2003-2006)
LUSU Societies Management Committee (2004-2005)
Societies Union Executive Committee (2005-2007)
Member of the Students' Union Committee on Reform of the union (2003-2004)
Lancaster University Students' Union Council (03-05) (Graduate Student Rep)
CAKES Team (Computing Department PhD Social and Seminar organising committee)
Honorary Life Member of the CSSE Student Club (2002 to present)
Student Rep (for Clayton Campus) on the Board of the Faculty of Information Technology (2002)
Student Rep (for undergraduate students) on the Faculty of Information Technology's Education Board (2001)
Honours Year Rep for Computer Science to school of CSSE (2002)
3rd Year Rep for Computer Science to school of CSSE (2001)
President of the CSSE student club 2000
Co-Founder of the SCS (later CSSE Student Club) 1999
1st Year Rep for Computer Science to school of CSSE (1999)
Mutvision Executive Committee (Student Television) (1999-2000)
"Union Council Resolves: 2. To thank Andre Oboler for the thousands of hours of work he has done himself." Union Council Resolution (passed), Meeting of December 8th 2005
Jewish Community
Big Idea Presenter, State Zionist Council NSW, 2010Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism, Member of the Experts Forum & Presenter for the Hate on the Internet Working Group, 2010
Expert providing testimony to the Italian Parliamentary Enquiry into Antisemitism, 2010
Limmud Oz, Presenter 2010
Jewish Educators Conference, Presenter 2010
ROI 5 Participant and Presenter, 2010
Big Idea Presenter, State Zionist Council NSW, 2009
Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, Working Group Co-Chair, 2009
ROI 3 Participant and Presenter, 2008
Legacy Heritage Fellow, 2007-2008
Post-Holocaust and Antisemitism seminars, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, participant & presenter, 2007-2008
Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, presenter, 2008
UK representative at the 14th Young Jewish Leadership Diplomatic Seminar (2006, Jerusalem)
Board of Deputies of British Jews (UJS Deputy) (04-05)
Union of Jewish Students (National Secretary) (04-05)
* National Executive Committee
* Constitutional Sub-committee
Lancaster JSOC Co-Chair (03-04), Education Officer (04-05), Chair (05-06)
UK delegate to WUJS congress 2005-2006
Australian Union of Jewish Students Winter Conference 2005 (Invited speaker)
Limmud Oz (Invited speaker on technology and society)
CEO of Israel and Zionism on the Web see the about page
Participant at ZF's "From Fear to Freedom" seminar (examining international terrorism)
Delegate at UJS Annual Conference 2003 and 2004
Delegate at UJS Spring Conference 2004, 2005, 2006
Participant at UJS APET 2004, 2005, 2006
Hineni Youth and Welfare (Melbourne): Secretary, Senior Leader & Leader taking grades 3&4 (1999)
* Special responsibilities: Security for St Kild Shule during Hineni activities, purchasing and resource control
Completed Hillel Institute's Leadership Program (1999)
Diversity and Equality
Lancaster University Chaplaincy Centre Management Committee (2003-2006)National Holocaust Memorial Day, Lancaster organising committee (part of NCBI Lancaster)(2004-2007)
Lancaster District Diversity Festival Steering Group member
* Festival Steering Group (Chair)
* Publicity Committee
* Diverse (Festival News Paper) Co-ordinator
* Religious Groups & Interfaith Event organising committee member
Worlds Aids Day 2005 Lancaster Event at Priory Church (invited speaker on behalf of the Jewish Community)
LUSU (Students' Union) Religious Societies Steering Group Chair(2004-2007)
Wyre Borough Council Holocaust Memorial Day 2005 (invited speaker)
NUS Mature Students Conference 2005 (Invited speaker on QAA and NPC)
International Student Festival 2006 (Invited speaker on International Postgraduate Students)
National Postgraduate Committee Conference 2006 (Invited speaker on International Students)
School Community (Mount Scopus Memorial College)
President of the Scopus Chess Club (1995-1996)Organiser (and teacher) of Junior Primary Chess Program
Producer 3MS Student Radio / Management Team (1996 - 1998)
Director of Visual Projections (1997, 1998)
Senior Video Crew member (1997, 1998)
Assistant Stage Manager (at Melbourne Convention Centre) (1998)
Out Reach Leader (1997)
School Camp Leader (took year 7)
Shabbaton Leader (took year 7)
Completed Year 10 Leadership program
Completed Year 11 Leadership Seminar
Scouts (1993 - 1997)
Patrol LeaderJamboree Patrol Leader, 16th Asia Pacific Jamboree
Assistant Troop Leader
Secretary Saxon Venturer Unit
Treasurer Saxon Venturer Unit
Joey Scout Helper (leader's assistant)
Completed District Leadership Training Course