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On this page pulications are divide between the topics of:
- Online Hate, Antisemitism and Web 2.0
- The Jewish People, Israel, and the Middle East
- Software Engineering and Process Improvement
Publications include a mix of peer reviewed journal and conference articles, reports, articles published in the press, and media articles where I have been interviewed.
Online Hate, Antisemitism and Web 2.0
Key terms: Internet, Public Diplomacy, Information Systems, IT and Society
There is also a separate list of presentations related to online public diplomacy and monitoring and combatting online hate. These presentations are not available for download.
Things I've written
- Andre Oboler, Palestinian Media Watch Still Gamed By YouTube, Backspin Blog (Honest Reporting), 20 December 2010
- Andre Oboler, YouTube gets it wrong on online hate, The Jerusalem Post, 20 December 2010 (online 19th December 2010)
- Andre Oboler, Time to Regulate Internet Hate with a New Approach? (2010) 13 Internet Law Bulletin
- Andre Oboler, SCAM ALERT (Facebook virus): This poor girl committed suicide, Community Internet Engagement Project, October 1 2010
- Andre Oboler, "Online Antisemitism 2.0 and Social Acceptability" in Eunice Pollack (Ed), Antisemitism on the Campus: Past & Present, Academic Studies Press, 2010 (forth coming)
- Andre Oboler, Government a welcome presence in cyber regulation, The Australian Jewish News, 7 May 2010, p 23
- Andre Oboler, New media need a new approach to anti-Semitism, Jerusalem Post, 28 April 2010, p 15
- Andre Oboler, Remarks to the Italian Parliament, Hearing into Online Antisemitism, 22 April 2010, Rome, Italy
- Andre Oboler, Possibility of policing the internet?, The Australian Jewish News, March 12 2010, p10
- Andre Oboler, Gerald Steinberg and Rephael Stern, The Framing of Political NGOs in Wikipedia through Criticism Elimination, Journal of Information Technology and Politics, 7(4), 2010 (pre-publication draft)
- Andre Oboler, Under attack in a virtual world, PresenTense Magazine, Febuary 2010.
- Andre Oboler, The iFascists , Blog Central at the Jerusalem Post, 2 February 2010
- Andre Oboler and David Matas (Eds), Report from the Working Group on Online Antisemitism, the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, Jerusalem, December 2009.
- Andre Oboler, Recognising hate and the right to freedom from persecution, Harry's Place, September 3rd 2009.
- Andre Oboler, The Rise and Fall of a Facebook Hate Group, Covenant - Global Jewish Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1 (August 2009), Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya. NB: This is an updated version of the First Monday article.
- Andre Oboler, Holocaust Denial: Yes Facebook, it is Hate Speech, Z-Word Blog, 27 August 2009
- Andre Oboler, Facebook, Holocaust Denial, and Anti-Semitism 2.0, Post-Holocaust and Anti-Semitism Series, No. 86, The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, 15 September 2009.
- Andre Oboler, Facebook gives hatred a hand, The Guardian: Comment Is Free, 13 July 2009
- Andre Oboler, The rise and fall of a Facebook hate group, First Monday, Volume 13, Number 11 - 3 November 2008
- Andre Oboler, Online Antisemitism 2.0. "Social Antisemitism on the Social Web", Post-Holocaust and Antisemitism Series, JCPA, (April 2008, No. 67)
- Andre Oboler & Honest Reporting Staff, Exposed - Anti-Israeli Subversion on Wikipedia, COMMUNIQUE: 14 May 2008
- Andre Oboler, Google Earth: A New Platform for Anti-Israel Propaganda and Replacement Geography, Jerusalem Issue Briefs, Vol. 8, No. 5, JCPA, 26 June 2008
- Andre Oboler, Hatred and Antisemitism Online, Agencia Judia Noticias (Jewish News Agency - Argentina), Sept 4 2008 (In Spanish and English at ZOTW)
- Andre Oboler, Wiki-Warfare: Battle for the on-line encyclopedia, Jerusalem Post, May. 13, 2008
- Andre Oboler, Let's not give away all our secrets on the Web, Jerusalem Post, April 24th 2008
- Andre Oboler, A false prospectus on campus, The Guardian: Comment Is Free, Feb 15 2008
- Andre Oboler, Facing up to the 'Facebook' dilemma, Jerusalem Post, Feb 5 2008
- Kfir Damari and Andre Oboler, The return of SIMBAR: Cyber-terrorism methodology, beSIRT, 2006
- Andre Oboler, The New Antisemitism, Diverse: The newspaper of the Lancaster District Diversity Festival. Issue 2, Page 23, November 2004.
- Andre Oboler, The Start of future Festivals, Diverse: The newspaper of the Lancaster District Diversity Festival. Issue 2, Page 23, November 2004.
Interviews and press citations
- Irina Sternik, Homofobia, racismo y antisemitismo en Facebook, Diario Z (Argentina), 19 May 2010
- Irina Sternik, Interview with Andre Oboler, Diario Z (Argentina), 19 May 2010
- Peter Kohn, Clicking to Fight Against Online Hate, The Australian Jewish News, 7 May 2010, p 3
- Alex Margolin, Anti-Semitism and the New Mainstream Media, Honest Reporting, May 2 2010
- Peter Kohn, Taking a Stand Against Web Hate, The Australian Jewish News, 30 April 2010, p 3
- Boom dell'antisemitismo on line, Rai News 24, 24 April 2010
- Stefano Ziantoni, with guests Fiamma Nirenstein (Vice-President of the Italian Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee), Stefano Gatti (Italian NGO monitoring antisemitism) and Andre Oboler. RAI Uno (Italy's TV 1), 23 April 2010. (See my report on the show)
- POL - Antisemitismo, Nirenstein: Capire diffusione fenomeno su internet, Il Velino, April 21, 2010 (In Italian)
- Charles Fenynesi, Quote of the Week: The need to limit hatred's spread, Bigotry Monitor, 10(5), Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, Feb 5 2010
- Jennifer Hanin, A Salute to Standouts Combating Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism, Jennifer's Blog, 14th of January 2010
- Avraham Zuroff, Antisemitism: Internet is newest medium, global forum told, The Jewish Tribune (Canada), Wednesday, 13 January 2010
- Yoni Kempinski, Online Anti-Semitism - "Imagine if Hitler had Facebook", Israel National News, December 17, 2009. (includes video interview)
- Caitlyn Martin, Report: Facebook A Haven For Hate Groups, O'Reilly, September 17, 2009
- Brian Cuban and Andre Oboler, Dr Andre Oboler PhD Discusses Hate Speech On Facebook, The Revolution Rant at The Cuban Revolution, [Internet broadcast], 1 Sept 2009
- Elan Miller, 'Facebook doesn't bar hateful content against Jews', Jerusalem Post, 27 August 2009
- Chantal Abitbol, Facebook refuses to ban all Holocaust-denial groups, The Australian Jewish News, 15 May 2009, pg 8
- Sharon Udasin, Photo Editing Israel's Online Image, The Jewish Week, March 4th 2009
- Lucy Tobin, Israel's cyber warriors, The Jewish Chronicle, Feb 12, 2009.
- 10 Questions for Dr Andre Oboler: Expert on online anti-Semitism, The Australian Jewish News, October 31 2008, Life pg 16
- Sharon Berger, Expert Warns on Internet antisemitism, The Australian Jewish News, October 31 2008, pg 4
- Christoph Gunkel, Facebook und Google Earth: Antisemitismus im Web 2.0, F.A.Z., October 14 2008 (in German).
English translation: Facebook and Google Earth: Anti-Semitism in Web 2.0 now available. - Sharon Udasin, Google Maps Gets Specific - On Israel, The Jewish Week, 12 Oct 2008
- Caitlyn Martin, Google Earth Delivers Geographic Data, Satellite Imagery, and Political Bias, O'Reilly News, August 29, 2008
- ZOA Praises Google For Removing False Anti-Israel Propaganda From Google Earth's Map Of Israel, Jewish News Today, August 25, 2008 (published press release)
- Stephanie Rubenstein, Jewish Internet Defense Force 'seizes control' of anti-Israel Facebook group, Jerusalem Post, Jul. 29, 2008
- En Israel siguen las denuncias contra el programa Google Earth y su mencion sobre "la catastrofe palestina", Agencia Judia Noticias (Jewish News Agency - Argentina), July 31 2008
- ZOA Middle East report, [Radio Interview],WNWR - New World Radio, Philadelphia, July 9th 2008
- Stephanie Rubenstein, Google Earth highlights the 'Nakba', Jerusalem Post, July 2nd 2008
- Cnaan Liphshiz, Getting Google to work for us, Haaretz, June 27, 2008
- Ziv Hellman, http :// Web of Hatred, Jerusalem Report, Jun. 18, 2008
- Talk @ 10, [Radio Interview], Ram FM, West Bank & Israel, May 19 2008
- Tamar Snyder, Latest Front In Mideast Wars: Wikipedia, The Jewish Week, May 14 2008
- Dana Gloger, Facebook groups at war over Israel, The Jewish Chronicle, March 13 2008
- Tamar Snyder, Anti-Semitism 2.0 Going Largely Unchallenged, The Jewish Week, 20 February 2008
Research citing the above items
- Byard Duncan, Facebook: No Pot Leaves Allowed - But Racism and Sexism Are Fine, Alternet, September 1, 2010
- Michael Danby MP, Online antisemitism Crikey et al, J-Wire, June 11, 2009
- Jessie Daniels, U.N. Anti-racism conference April 22 2009
- Deborah Stone, To hate, click here: antisemitism on the internet, Anti Defamation Commission, Special Report No. 38, August 2008
- Jessie Daniels, Racism and Antisemitism 2.0 Allowed in the U.S. Mar 29th, 2008
The Jewish People, Israel, and the Middle East
Key terms: Jewish, Judaism, Israel, Palestine, Middle East, Peace Process, Israeli Politics
Things I've written
- Andre Oboler, Yahoo's Foreign Policy, Community Internet Engagement Project, June 10 2010
- Andre Oboler, A more balanced approach, published online with a link from VAFT News (Volume 31, No 3, Victorian Association of Family Therapists), September 2009.
- Andre Oboler, When an MK's Palestinian narrative drops for a moment, Jerusalem Post, June 2nd, 2009 (at ZOTW)
- Andre Oboler, El sucesor de Olmert tendra serias dificultades para formar gobierno, coinciden politologos de Israel, Agencia Judia Noticias (Jewish News Agency - Argentina), July 31 2008
- Andre Oboler, Good Reporting Is Truly a Pearl of Great Price, The Wall Street Journal, February 7, 2008. Page A17.
- Andre Oboler, Blunt words hurt the Holy Land, The Times (UK), December 24, 2007
- Andre Oboler, Gaza: NGO's, the Times, the World Bank, and the facts, Israpundit, December 20, 2007
Interviews and press citations
- Sharon Udasin, Vying for control of the Temple Mount - on Foursquare, The Jerusalem Post, December 16th 2010
- Elli Wohlgelernter (reporter) ROI 2010 report (featuring an interview with Andre Oboler), broadcast on IBA News (Israel Broadcausting Authority), July 11 2010
- Sharon Udasin, Yahoo Maps Reunite Jerusalem, The Jewish Week, June 15th 2010
- Honest Reporting, Yahoo Divides Jerusalem, COMMUNIQUE: 10 June 2010
- Sharon Udasin, The Gaza Flotilla Battle - On Twitter , The Jewish Week, June 2nd 2010
- Sharon Udasin, Israel Versus iPad, The Jewish Week, April 20th 2010
- Sharon Udasin, Let My People ... Tweet , The Jewish Week, March 24th 2010
- Dalia Sable, ZFA's innovative internet initiative, The Australian Jewish News, 18 December 2009, p 11
- Steve Lipman, 'If You Stream It, They Will Come', The Jewish Week, 15 September 2009
- Sharon Udasin, WEB EXCLUSIVE: Tweeting For Shalit, The Jewish Week, 25 August 2009
- Bernard Josephs, US unions condemn boycott resolutions, The Jewish Chronicle, 16 August, 2007
Software Engineering and Process Improvement
Key terms: Process Improvement, Software Development Life Cycle, Knowledge Management, Design Patterns, Empirical Software Engineering, Education
Design Patterns & SDLC models
- Andre Oboler, Charles Twardy and David Albrecht, Super Iterator: A design pattern for Algorithm and Data structure collections, in proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 2-4, 2007
- Andre Oboler, David McG. Squire and Kevin B. Korb, Software Engineering for Computer Science Research - Facilitating Improved Research Outcomes, International Journal of Computer and Information Science, 5, 1, pp. 24-34, January 2004.
- Andre Oboler, The KEBN Process: A new approach to Knowledge Engineering with Bayesian Nets, School of CSSE, Monash University, 2002
Process Improvement & Empirical Software Engineering
- Andre Oboler, Software Engineering for the Research Environment (SERE): a process of improving Process Improvement Processes in academic research, PhD Thesis, Computing Department, Lancaster University, 2007.
- Andre Oboler, Enhancing Research: A Strategic Approach, poster for Emerging landscapes: Research into quality management in higher education' conference, Birmingham, 27 June 2007.
- Andre Oboler, Simon Lock, Ian Sommerville, "Targetted Improvements," in proceedings of the second International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2007), Cap Esterel, France, 25-31 Aug. 2007, IEEE Press, 2007.
- Andre Oboler (2003). Examining the use of Software Engineering by Computer Science Researchers. In Proceedings of Education Students' Third Regional Research Conference, Graduate School in Humanities University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa. pp. 37-45, 26-27 September 2003.
You can also download the presentation slides - Andre Oboler (2002). USE CSR. School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University. B. Computer Science (Honours) Thesis.
- Andre Oboler, David McG. Squire and Kevin B. Korb,
Why don't we practice what we teach? Engineering Software for
Computer Science Research in Academia,
In Proceedings of the First International Conference on Software
Engineering Research and Applications (ICSERA'03),
San Francisco, USA, pp. 25-30, 25-27 June 2003.
You can also download the presentation slides - Andre Oboler, David McG. Squire and Kevin B. Korb, Why don't we practice what we teach? Engineering Software for Computer Science Research in Academia, Tech. Report 2003/139, School of Computer Science and Software Engineering, Monash University, Australia, 2003.
Knowledge Management
- Andre Oboler, Formal Technical Reviews for Research Projects, CAQDAS 07 Conference - "Advances in Qualitative Computing", London, 18-20 April 2007. [Slides]
- Andre Oboler and Ian Sommerville, Research Documentation Guidelines: Capturing knowledge, improving research, in proceedings of Fourth International Conference on Information Technology : New Generations (ITNG 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 2-4, 2007
- Andre Oboler, Ian Sommerville, Simon Lock, Reflection: Improving research through knowledge transfer, in proceedings of the first International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2006), Tahiti, French Polynesia, 29 October - 1 November 2006
Conference Proceedings
- Dascalus, S., Dini, P., Morasca S., Ohta T. and Oboler A. (Eds), proceedings of the second International Conference on Software Engineering Advances (ICSEA 2007), Cap Esterel, France, 25-31 Aug. 2007, IEEE Press, 2007