Aboriginal Memes
Blow is a press release from the Online Hate Prevention Institute and a link to the report Dr Oboler wrote on Aboriginal Memes and Online Hate. The report fully documents the Aboriginal Memes incident, listing each new page that was created. It also discusses the role MemeGenerator played in the spread of this hate. A […]
President Peres in the Lion’s Den
Originally published: Andre Oboler and David Matas, President Peres in the Lion’s Den, Jerusalem Post, 6 March 2012 page 14. Also reprinted in The Cutting Edge News. On Tuesday March 6th, President Shimon Peres will visit Facebook, a company which refuses to recognize Holocaust denial as a form of incitement to hatred. While there, he […]
Honest Reporting’s Alex Margolin comments on Dr Oboler’s call for greater accountability from social media platforms
HonestReporting’s social media editor, Alex Margolin, contributes occasional posts on social media issues. He oversees HonestReporting on Facebook. Andre Oboler, the leading authority on anti-Semitism on the Internet, recently called for greater accountability from social media platforms that allow anti-Semitic material to appear on their sites. Oboler points out that standards of acceptable speech differ […]
The Australian Jewish News gets Andre Oboler’s views on an Australian summit on cyber-racism
Peter Kohn, Taking a Stand Against Web Hate, The Australian Jewish News, 30 April 2010, p 3 Quelling racism and anti-Semitism in the trash-and-treasure environment of the world wide web is looming as a great social challenge. That was clear at a landmark Australian summit on cyber-racism this week. A balanced strategy might be the […]
Rai News 24 has this Italian report on online antisemitism and Dr Andre Oboler’s visit to Italy
Boom dell’antisemitismo on line, Rai News 24, 24 April 2010 GUARDA IL VIDEO: intervista all’On. Fiamma Nierenstein e Stefano Gatti L’antisemitismo non e’ un problema ebraico, e’ un problema che riguarda la societa’. Questo il messaggio chiave dell’esperto Andre’ Oboler, coordinatore del Comitato per la lotta all’antisemitismo online per il ‘Forum globale contro l’antisemitismo’, intervenuto ad un […]
Il Velino reports in Italian on efforts by Dr Oboler, Fiamma Nirenstein and Stefano Gatti to combat hate
POL – Antisemitismo, Nirenstein: Capire diffusione fenomeno su internet, Il Velino, April 21, 2010 (In Italian) Il fenomeno dell’antisemitismo online, specie con la costante diffusione dei social network, costituisce uno degli aspetti piu’ rilevanti dell’antisemitismo odierno. La polizia postale e rapporti di esperti indicano come ci sia un boom di siti che diffondono un vasto […]
Pesach and Twitter, the Jewish Week gets Andre Oboler’s views on tradition and technology
Sharon Udasin, Let My People … Tweet , The Jewish Week, March 24th 2010 Welcome to the Tweder. Can Twitter and the Passover seder coexist? Last Passover, Dan Berkal spent the first seder dining with family and friends at the James Hotel in Chicago — chanting the prayers and songs of the Haggadah, sipping the […]
Bigotry Monitor’s Quote of the Week comes from Dr Andre Oboler
Charles Fenynesi, Quote of the Week: The need to limit hatred’s spread, Bigotry Monitor, 10(5), Union of Councils for Jews in the Former Soviet Union, Feb 5 2010 Surveying efforts by “iFascists” to exonerate Fascism on the Internet, Australian media and computer expert Andre Oboler defined in an op-ed published on the Internet the challenge […]
Andre Oboler and David Matas, Report from the Working Group on Online Antisemitism, The Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism
Report of the Online Antisemitism Working Group Andre Oboler and David Matas (Co-Chairs), Working Group 3 – Antisemitism Online: Cyberspace and the Media, the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, 16-17 December 2009, Jerusalem, Israel.[i] Introduction This report represents the work of the participants of the Working Group on Online Antisemitism which met at the Global […]