Antisemitism and Online Hate: How to address the risk to Israel and the Jewish People, Betar
This talk was presented to Madrichim (youth group leaders) at one of Melbourne’s Zionist Youth Groups. The presentation focused on both old style antisemitism online and the newer antisemitism 2.0
Andre Oboler, Facebook, Holocaust Denial, and Anti-Semitism 2.0, JCPA
In May 2009, Facebook went into damage control in response to the media interest in Holocaust-denial groups it hosted. This occurred six months after Facebook was notified that such groups not only breached its Terms of Service but were illegal under national laws banning Holocaust denial in several countries. Between receiving the complaints and responding […]
The Jerusalem Post reports on Dr Oboler’s new report on Facebook and Holocaust denial
Elan Miller, ‘Facebook doesn’t bar hateful content against Jews’, Jerusalem Post, 27 August 2009 The Facebook social networking Web site is violating its own terms and conditions on incitement to hatred, The Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs charged in a report released on Thursday. “Facebook has through ignorance created an anti-Semitic policy platform where the […]
Andre Oboler’s article, “Facebook gives hatred a hand”, from The Guardian’s Comment Is Free
Andre Oboler, Facebook gives hatred a hand, The Guardian: Comment Is Free, 13 July 2009 By refusing to remove groups that deny the Holocaust, Facebook is aiding the spread of hate at a time of rising racism Facebook has decided not to remove groups that deny the Holocaust. This policy contradicts its own “statement of […]
Andre Oboler comments to the Australian Jewish News on Facebook and Holocaust denial
Chantal Abitbol, Facebook refuses to ban all Holocaust-denial groups, The Australian Jewish News, 15 May 2009, pg 8 Social Networking site Facebook is facing mounting criticism in Australia and overseas after refusing to ban Holocaust-denial groups from its site. Despite international pressure calling for the popular website to block Holocaust-denial groups, Facebook said it does […]
Antisemitism and Online Hate: How to address the risk to Israel and the Jewish People, Kehilat Nitzan
This public talk was organized by the Kehilat Nitzan, the Conservative Synagogue in Melbourne. The talk discussed traditional online antisemitism, from Jew Watch, Storm Front and the Adelaide Institute to Antisemitism 2.0 in social media. I also presented the growing impact of social media with an updated graph. Facebook was gaining ground a very visible […]
The Jews of the Internet, Emanuel School
This was a talk to a combined year 9 Jewish Studies group at Emanuel School. It was part of a speaking tour organized by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. This talk gave an introduction to both the advances Jews had made to the internet, and to issues of racism and discrimination students faced. In […]
The Tachlis: Online Community Engagement Strategies, Executive briefing NSW JBD
This was a confidential executive briefing for the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. It outlines work being done in the online space across the Jewish world, a summary of the impact my own work had achieved, and a discussion of future global and Australian threats. The discussion following the presentation examined ways the Board could […]
Antisemitism and Online Hate: How to address the risk to Israel and the Jewish People,
This was a public lecture organized by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. It was presented twice, once on the Northshore on the 5th of November, and again in the Eastern Suburbs of Sydney on the 6th of November. The talk examined Antisemitism On The Web, introduced the concept of Web 2.0, introduced Antisemitism 2.0, […]
Antisemitism 2.0 and Online Engagement: Jewish anti-Zionist sites, Kesser Torah College
This was a presentation to years 10 and 11 at Kesser Torah College, a religious school in Sydney. The talk was part of a speaking tour organized by the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. This talk focused on an examination of religious anti-zionist sites and the harm some of them were doing when they aligned […]