If you can’t Recognize Hate Speech, the sunlight can’t penetrate
This week the Online Hate Prevention Institute (OHPI), an Australian Charity which I have the privilege of leading as its CEO, released my major new report into Hate Speech on Facebook. OHPI seeks to facilitate a change in online culture so that hate in all its forms becomes as socially unacceptable online as it is in “real […]
Andre Oboler, Time to Regulate Internet Hate with a New Approach?, Internet Law Bulletin
INTRODUCTION The rise of social media over the last seven years[i] has revolutionised communication. Applications like Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and MySpace, have given the online public a means of mass communication. Behind these platforms are large corporations[ii] who profit from the communication they facilitate, yet take little responsibility over the content. A new approach is […]
Andre Oboler, Facebook, Holocaust Denial, and Anti-Semitism 2.0, JCPA
In May 2009, Facebook went into damage control in response to the media interest in Holocaust-denial groups it hosted. This occurred six months after Facebook was notified that such groups not only breached its Terms of Service but were illegal under national laws banning Holocaust denial in several countries. Between receiving the complaints and responding […]
Andre Oboler, Recognising hate and the right to freedom from persecution, Harry’s Place
In a July article I argued Facebook was giving hatred a hand by explicitly allowing Holocaust denial on their site in spite a ban they place on “hateful” content. I suggested regulation was needed and if self regulation didn’t work, then government intervention is needed to prevent an internet-powered surge in racial hatred. Out in […]
Andre Oboler’s article, “When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment” from the Jerusalem Post
Andre Oboler, When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment, Jerusalem Post, June 2nd, 2009 Last week I had the pleasure of hearing a member of the Knesset speak at my university in Australia. The talk was titled “Is Israel a racist country?” The poster introduced MK Haneen Zuabi as the “first woman elected […]