The New York Jewish Week reports on Yahoo Maps and Israel, with expert analysis from Dr Andre Oboler
Sharon Udasin, Yahoo Maps Reunite Jerusalem, The Jewish Week, June 15th 2010 Jerusalem has been reunited without gunfire, 43 years after the Six Day War — this time, by Yahoo! Angering the international Jewish community, the Internet search giant recently enacted its own two-state solution by dividing Jerusalem into “East” and “West” on its Weather […]
Honest Reporting uses Dr Oboler’s analysis to explain Yahoo’s virtual division of Jerusalem
Honest Reporting, Yahoo Divides Jerusalem, COMMUNIQUE: 10 June 2010 Yahoo uses iPhone weather application to make a political statement. A few weeks ago, many iPhone users, including HonestReporting’s Managing Editor, noticed that something had changed on their pre-installed weather application. The data for Jerusalem, as supplied by Yahoo, simply stopped updating. But this was no bug […]
Andre Oboler, Yahoo’s Foreign Policy – Dividing Jerusalem, Community Internet Engagement Project
UPDATE (16 June 2010): Yahoo! have responded to wide spread criticism over their unilateral division of Jerusalem by reuniting the city. The imaginary Jerusalem in the West Bank has been deleted from the Yahoo servers. Now if you visit the location (via our link below) you get this error: Previously you got this: Well done […]
Andre Oboler and David Matas, Report from the Working Group on Online Antisemitism, The Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism
Report of the Online Antisemitism Working Group Andre Oboler and David Matas (Co-Chairs), Working Group 3 – Antisemitism Online: Cyberspace and the Media, the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, 16-17 December 2009, Jerusalem, Israel.[i] Introduction This report represents the work of the participants of the Working Group on Online Antisemitism which met at the Global […]
Antisemitism 2.0, WUJS 3G – Unlocking our Future, Congress of the World Union of Jewish Students
I assisted the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) with their 2009 congress, “WUJS 3G”. The Congress, based in Jerusalem, was themes on emerging technology. I moderated the track online antisemitism which included a presentation from myself as well as presentations from Amos Hermon (head of the Jewish Agency’s task force to combat antisemitism), Aryeh […]
Online Antisemitism: Cyberspace and the Media, Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism
This was the opening presentation for the working group on Cyberspace and the Media at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism. The session was held in the Knesset building and co-chaired by myself and David Matas. The presentation set the scene on the impact of the media and the internet in the resurgent growth of […]
Young Jewish Diplomatic Leadership Seminar, Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs
This talks at the Israeli Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem was to a group of Jewish leaders in 20s and 30s who had been hand picked by the Ministry for training in diplomacy, the middle east and matters relating to Israels security. My presentation included discuss of Electronic Intifada’s campaign and manipulation of Wikipedia to attack […]
Effective Online Engagement (Workshop), ROI Summit
ROI is a global community of young Jewish innovators that was created by Lynn Schusterman in the summer of 2006 as a partnership between the Center for Leadership Initiatives and Taglit-Birthright Israel. I was privileged to be recommended as a participant by Gil Troy and accepted by ROI. In addition to participating in the conference […]