Rai News 24 has this Italian report on online antisemitism and Dr Andre Oboler’s visit to Italy
Boom dell’antisemitismo on line, Rai News 24, 24 April 2010 GUARDA IL VIDEO: intervista all’On. Fiamma Nierenstein e Stefano Gatti L’antisemitismo non e’ un problema ebraico, e’ un problema che riguarda la societa’. Questo il messaggio chiave dell’esperto Andre’ Oboler, coordinatore del Comitato per la lotta all’antisemitismo online per il ‘Forum globale contro l’antisemitismo’, intervenuto ad un […]
Andre Oboler’s appearance as a guest on Italian TV station Rai Uno
Italy’s Channel One TV station, the most popular TV station in Italy, ran a segment on online antisemitism. The host was Stefano Ziantoni and the studio guests were myself, Fiamma Nirenstein (Vice-President of the Italian Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee) , Stefano Gatti (from the Italian NGO who monitor antisemitism). The segment lasting, 20 minutes and […]
Hearing into Online Antisemitism at the Italian Parliament
The following are the prepared remarks of CIE’s Director, Dr Andre Oboler, for the hearing into online antisemitism of the Italian Parliament. The hearing occurred at 8:30am on Thursday April 22nd 2010. I thank the committee and Fiamma Nirenstein, its president, for arranging this opportunity to address you and discuss the important topic of online […]
Il Velino reports in Italian on efforts by Dr Oboler, Fiamma Nirenstein and Stefano Gatti to combat hate
POL – Antisemitismo, Nirenstein: Capire diffusione fenomeno su internet, Il Velino, April 21, 2010 (In Italian) Il fenomeno dell’antisemitismo online, specie con la costante diffusione dei social network, costituisce uno degli aspetti piu’ rilevanti dell’antisemitismo odierno. La polizia postale e rapporti di esperti indicano come ci sia un boom di siti che diffondono un vasto […]
Antisemitismo Online: Non Cadere Nella Rete, Palazzo Valentini, Provincia Di Roma
This presentation was part of a panel held as a public forum in Rome. Other speakers included Riccardo Pacifici (President of the Jewish Community in Rome), Fiamma Nirenstein (member of of the Italian Parliament and Deputy Chair of the Foreign Affairs Committee), Stefano Gatti (an antisemitism expert at the Centro di Documentazione Ebraica Contemporanea – […]