Andre Oboler’s article, “When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment” from the Jerusalem Post
Andre Oboler, When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment, Jerusalem Post, June 2nd, 2009 Last week I had the pleasure of hearing a member of the Knesset speak at my university in Australia. The talk was titled “Is Israel a racist country?” The poster introduced MK Haneen Zuabi as the “first woman elected […]
A Spanish language article with Dr Oboler’s take on Israeli politics, from Agencia Judia Noticias in Argentina
El sucesor de Olmert tendra serias dificultades para formar gobierno, coinciden politologos de Israel, Agencia Judia Noticias (Jewish News Agency – Argentina), July 31 2008 Especialistas en política israelí señalaron que el sucesor del actual primer ministro Ehud Olmert en Kadima, “sea quien sea”, tendrá “serias dificultades” para formar un gobierno. Además, consideraron que es […]