Andre Oboler’s article about YouTube banning Palestinian Media Watch at Honest Reporting’s Backspin Blog
Andre Oboler, Palestinian Media Watch Still Gamed By YouTube, Backspin Blog (Honest Reporting), 20 December 2010 On Sunday, YouTube acted to close a channel on their service run by Palestinian Media Watch. The explanation YouTube gave related to a video from 2006, originally taken from Hamas’s website, which shows a suicide terrorist says his goodbyes […]
Jerusalem Post reports PMW’s channel back online, but Dr Oboler warns YouTube still being played
Ron Friedman, YouTube reinstates Palestinian Media Watch channel, Jerusalem Post, 20 December 2010. The video sharing website originally removed the PMW video channel for violating its community guidelines. Following a report in The Jerusalem Post on Sunday, video-sharing website YouTube reinstated Palestinian Media Watch’s channel on Monday. YouTube had removed the channel, which exposes anti- […]
Andre Oboler’s article “YouTube gets it wrong on online hate” in the Jerusalem Post
Andre Oboler, YouTube gets it wrong on online hate, Jerusalem Post, 19/12/2010 The closing of Palestinian Media Watch channel is one example of how the website’s policies are inconsistent and only selectively enforced. Justice Louis Brandeis of the US Supreme Court once said “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” This is often used to justify “more […]