Video Activism, CIE Social Media Workshop
In October I organized a social media workshop which was run (in slightly different formats) in Sydney and Melbourne. In addition to my own presentation on online distribution and seeding, the workshop in Melbourne included presentations from David Olesker, Ariel Blumenthal, and Danielle Lauren. In Sydney Ariel Blumenthal and I each gave an extended presentation. […]
Boycotts, Divestments and Sanctions, BDS Working Group
I ran two full day workshops on the Boycotts, Divestment and Sanctions movement ahead of the first national BDS conference in Melbourne. The working groups took place in both Melbourne and Sydney and provided an understanding of global BDS, details on speakers attending the Melbourne conference and brain storming on possible responses to BDS within […]
Community Internet Engagement, Executive Council of Australian Jewery
This presentation to the annual conference of the Executive Council of Australian Jewery publicly presented the CIE project to community leaders from around Australia.
The Online War for Israel: The role of new media in supporting Israel
This presentation to the State Zionist Council of NSW and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies provided an update on CIE’s plans and progress and how this related to previous briefings given to these bodies in Sydney. The presentation also included a detailed debrief on the Tweet for Gilad campaign, empirically showing why the campaign, […]
Community Internet Engagement – from Antisemitism to Zionism, Union of Progressive Judaism
This presentation to the Annual Conference of the Union of Progressive Judaism was one of the first public presentations about the CIE project. The talk explained the problems we were facing online and explained how to CIE project would to tackle these, and what role community organisations could play to support this work. Specifically, the […]
Internet Monitoring, the Community Security Group (NSW)
This presentation was to the information department of the Community Security Group in NSW. The presentation looked at different types of information that would normally be ignored and how this information could be of use to the community.
The Tachlis: Online Community Engagement Strategies, Executive briefing NSW JBD
This was a confidential executive briefing for the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies. It outlines work being done in the online space across the Jewish world, a summary of the impact my own work had achieved, and a discussion of future global and Australian threats. The discussion following the presentation examined ways the Board could […]
Israeli Units of Democracy, State Zionist Council of NSW
This talk was part of a panel for Yom Rabin which addressed the question, “is Israel the only democracy in the Middle East?” Israel’s system of government developed out of the political system of the yishuv. The form of proportional representation used guarantees a wide diversity of opinion is represented and that personalities can play […]