Andre Oboler’s article “YouTube gets it wrong on online hate” in the Jerusalem Post
Andre Oboler, YouTube gets it wrong on online hate, Jerusalem Post, 19/12/2010 The closing of Palestinian Media Watch channel is one example of how the website’s policies are inconsistent and only selectively enforced. Justice Louis Brandeis of the US Supreme Court once said “Sunlight is the best disinfectant.” This is often used to justify “more […]
Antisemitism 2.0, Australia Union of Jewish Students (Executive Conference)
This presentation to the executive conference of the Executive Conference of the Australia Union of Jewish Students (AUJS) highlighted the spread on antisemitism 2.0 and gave a particular focus to YouTube. It included discussion of the Sasha Baron Cohen clip “Throw the Jew Down The Web” and how this was attracting large volume of antisemitism […]