Australian Jewish News discusses Oboler’s “Fight against online hate”
The Australian Jewish News (Sydney Edition) reports on the completion of the first stage of Andre Oboler’s new project to combat online hate. The solution was presented at an experts meeting of the Online Antisemitism Working Group of the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism which took place in Israeli Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem in early July 2011.
Andre Oboler’s CIE to Deconstruct the web of hate – if funding can be found
Adam Kamien, Deconstructing a web of hate, Australian Jewish News, 7 January, 2011. Pg 4. A NEW website aimed at mobilising world Jewry, governments and community organisations against the proliferation of online anti-Semitism will be launched on January 24. The Community Internet Engagement (CIE) site is the brainchild of social media expert Andre Oboler, who […]
The Australian Jewish News reports on the launch of Dr Oboler’s CIE project
Dalia Sable, ZFA’s innovative internet initiative, The Australian Jewish News, 18 December 2009, p 11 To help the community become more involved with the online world, the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) has this month launched the unique Community Internet Engagement (CIE) Project. Headed by online expert, Dr Andre Oboler, regarded for his research into […]
Community Internet Engagement, Executive Council of Australian Jewery
This presentation to the annual conference of the Executive Council of Australian Jewery publicly presented the CIE project to community leaders from around Australia.
The Online War for Israel: The role of new media in supporting Israel
This presentation to the State Zionist Council of NSW and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies provided an update on CIE’s plans and progress and how this related to previous briefings given to these bodies in Sydney. The presentation also included a detailed debrief on the Tweet for Gilad campaign, empirically showing why the campaign, […]
Community Internet Engagement – from Antisemitism to Zionism, Union of Progressive Judaism
This presentation to the Annual Conference of the Union of Progressive Judaism was one of the first public presentations about the CIE project. The talk explained the problems we were facing online and explained how to CIE project would to tackle these, and what role community organisations could play to support this work. Specifically, the […]
CIE’s Mission, JCCV Executive Briefing
This presentation to the executive of the Jewish Community Council of Victoria explained CIE’s mission and focus and how this might interact with organizations in Victoria.