Social Media Against Jews and Israel
This is an Italian translation of an interview conduct by Dr Manfred Gerstenfeld with Dr Andre Oboler in June 2013. Source: Manfred Gerstenfeld intervista Andre Oboler, I social media contro ebrei e Israele, Informazione Corretta, 26 June 2013 Andre Oboler, direttore editoriale dell’ “Online Hate Prevention Istitute” in Australia, è direttore associato del “Global Forum […]
Israel, is Street View security-conscious?
Source: Raffaella Gargiulo, Israele, Street View attenta alla sicurezza?, PuntoInformatico, 23 Feb 2011 (in Italian, below) A government task force is debating whether to allow Google to introduce it’s street view photo-mapping application in Israel. The availability of this data could assist in the planning of terrorist attacks. Rome – The mapping service Google is […]
Anti-Semitism 2.0
Source: Mara D’Angeli, Anti-Semitism 2.0, Il Nord, 28 January 2011 Never underestimate the Internet. We soon hear of the importance and potential of this medium, but the risks of the medium are too often unknown or unexplored. The Internet changes so fast that somethings will inevitably get out of hand. Holcoaust Memorial Day uses formal […]
Rai News 24 has this Italian report on online antisemitism and Dr Andre Oboler’s visit to Italy
Boom dell’antisemitismo on line, Rai News 24, 24 April 2010 GUARDA IL VIDEO: intervista all’On. Fiamma Nierenstein e Stefano Gatti L’antisemitismo non e’ un problema ebraico, e’ un problema che riguarda la societa’. Questo il messaggio chiave dell’esperto Andre’ Oboler, coordinatore del Comitato per la lotta all’antisemitismo online per il ‘Forum globale contro l’antisemitismo’, intervenuto ad un […]
Il Velino reports in Italian on efforts by Dr Oboler, Fiamma Nirenstein and Stefano Gatti to combat hate
POL – Antisemitismo, Nirenstein: Capire diffusione fenomeno su internet, Il Velino, April 21, 2010 (In Italian) Il fenomeno dell’antisemitismo online, specie con la costante diffusione dei social network, costituisce uno degli aspetti piu’ rilevanti dell’antisemitismo odierno. La polizia postale e rapporti di esperti indicano come ci sia un boom di siti che diffondono un vasto […]