Israel Ban’s the iPad, Andre Oboler suggests some solutions to The New York Jewish Week
Sharon Udasin, Israel Versus iPad, The Jewish Week, April 20th 2010 Israel may be in a tense standoff with U.S. President Barack Obama, but the high-tech-savvy country seemed to be picking a fight this week with another formidable foe: Apple. And the Jewish state’s decision to ban the iPad, Apple’s vaunted new e-tablet, had tech […]
Andre Oboler and David Matas, Report from the Working Group on Online Antisemitism, The Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism
Report of the Online Antisemitism Working Group Andre Oboler and David Matas (Co-Chairs), Working Group 3 – Antisemitism Online: Cyberspace and the Media, the Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism, 16-17 December 2009, Jerusalem, Israel.[i] Introduction This report represents the work of the participants of the Working Group on Online Antisemitism which met at the Global […]
Antisemitism 2.0, WUJS 3G – Unlocking our Future, Congress of the World Union of Jewish Students
I assisted the World Union of Jewish Students (WUJS) with their 2009 congress, “WUJS 3G”. The Congress, based in Jerusalem, was themes on emerging technology. I moderated the track online antisemitism which included a presentation from myself as well as presentations from Amos Hermon (head of the Jewish Agency’s task force to combat antisemitism), Aryeh […]
Online Antisemitism: Cyberspace and the Media, Global Forum to Combat Antisemitism
This was the opening presentation for the working group on Cyberspace and the Media at the Global Forum for Combating Antisemitism. The session was held in the Knesset building and co-chaired by myself and David Matas. The presentation set the scene on the impact of the media and the internet in the resurgent growth of […]
Andre Oboler’s article, “When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment” from the Jerusalem Post
Andre Oboler, When an MK’s Palestinian narrative drops for a moment, Jerusalem Post, June 2nd, 2009 Last week I had the pleasure of hearing a member of the Knesset speak at my university in Australia. The talk was titled “Is Israel a racist country?” The poster introduced MK Haneen Zuabi as the “first woman elected […]
The Jewish Week gets Dr Oboler’s views on a planned blogging tour of Israel
Sharon Udasin, Photo Editing Israel’s Online Image, The Jewish Week, March 4th 2009 On open-source sites like Google Maps and Flickr, the picture isn’t always pretty. Media Consul David Saranga hopes a blogger tour will help. A simple search for “Israel” on Google Maps will give you more than just roadways and town names: photographed […]
Israeli Units of Democracy, State Zionist Council of NSW
This talk was part of a panel for Yom Rabin which addressed the question, “is Israel the only democracy in the Middle East?” Israel’s system of government developed out of the political system of the yishuv. The form of proportional representation used guarantees a wide diversity of opinion is represented and that personalities can play […]
The Jewish Week get’s Andre Oboler’s comments on changes to Google Maps
Sharon Udasin, Google Maps Gets Specific – On Israel, The Jewish Week, October 12 2008 For a world of Googlers, Israel was but a misshapen pentagon sandwiched between an equally empty Jordan and a bluish-colored patch known as the Mediterranean Sea — until three weeks ago, that is. Last month, Google Maps began filling its […]
A Spanish language article with Dr Oboler’s take on Israeli politics, from Agencia Judia Noticias in Argentina
El sucesor de Olmert tendra serias dificultades para formar gobierno, coinciden politologos de Israel, Agencia Judia Noticias (Jewish News Agency – Argentina), July 31 2008 Especialistas en política israelí señalaron que el sucesor del actual primer ministro Ehud Olmert en Kadima, “sea quien sea”, tendrá “serias dificultades” para formar un gobierno. Además, consideraron que es […]
Online Engagement, Zionist Federation of the United Kingdom and Ireland
This presentation was delivered to the mission to Israel of the Zionist Federation of the UK. The presentation was preceded by an address from the British Ambassador to Israel who stayed for part of this presentation.