Modern Zionism and Gilad Shalit
Originally published in Danish as: Andre Oboler, Moderne Zionisme og Gilad Shalit, 64(3) Magbit-Nyt, December 2011. (Magazine of the Danish Zionist Federation). Also published online by the World Zionist Organization. The release of Gilad Shalit from more than five years of illegal captivity was a day of both joy and fear for all Israelis, and […]
Meet Gilad 2.0
Meet Gilad 2.0 was a campaign I created and managed as Director of the Community Internet Engagement Project. The campaign ran for 4 months in 2011 and provided a platform for participation by 34 partner organizations from around the world. The campaign was presented in Melbourne, Sydney, Washington DC, New York, San Francisco, and Jerusalem. […]
Dr Oboler questions our commitment to advocacy
Andre Oboler, Have We Lost That Caring Feeling?, The Australian Jewish News, 22 April 2011 I wanted to write an open letter to Noam and Aviva, but I couldn’t. How could I say “we’ve given up, we’ve moved on”, “we no longer care?” It’s like the streams of people walking past a homeless person, seeing […]
We need a revolution
Source: Andre Oboler, We need a revolution, Jerusalem Post Blogs, 11 April 2011 I wanted to write an open letter to Noam and Aviva, but I couldn’t. How could I look them in the eye and say “they’ve given up, they’ve moved on,” “they no longer care?” How could I say “we’ve given up, we’ve […]
Meet Gilad
MeetGilad.com was launched in the lead up to Gilad Shalit’s 24th birthday. The campaign was supported by postcards given out in major cities in Australia as well as global online advertising. The site introduced people to Gilad Shalit and his plight and directed them to take action by leaving a message for Gilad. These messages […]
The Online War for Israel: The role of new media in supporting Israel
This presentation to the State Zionist Council of NSW and the NSW Jewish Board of Deputies provided an update on CIE’s plans and progress and how this related to previous briefings given to these bodies in Sydney. The presentation also included a detailed debrief on the Tweet for Gilad campaign, empirically showing why the campaign, […]
A web exclusive, Dr Oboler speaks with the Jewish Week about Tweeting For Shalit
Sharon Udasin, WEB EXCLUSIVE: Tweeting For Shalit, The Jewish Week, 25 August 2009 In the next 24 hours, pro-Israel Tweeters are expected to come out in thousands for the Tweet4Shalit campaign, showing their support for kidnapped Israeli Defense Force Cpl. Gilad Shalit, in honor of his upcoming 23rd birthday. Shalit, who was captured by Hamas […]